Friday, December 18, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

1) A very long bath with Rose Marie and a cup of coffee. We practiced holding our breath under water and helped wash one another's hair. She hasn't stopped talking about it all day!

2) Finally laying my work aside and giving in to wrestling/snuggling with Samuel. He giggled and laughs so hard! :) I didn't finish my work, but I figured that spending time to make his already huge smile even bigger, was worth it. He is such a fun-loving little man!

3) Finally getting through a book reading session with BOTH kids on either side of me, "listening" to the story. Sam is getting better at it.

4) My favorite part of the day...skipping normal bedtime and bundling both of the kids up in snow gear and running outside to play in the snow! Snow is always magical, but particularly so when it is dark. It was so peaceful and the Christmas lights looked so amazing covered with the snow! Rose Marie was obsessed with making snow angels and she was thrilled about running down the middle of the snow covered street, screaming/singing Christmas Carols and laughing till her sides ached! Her little cheeks were bright red and her hair was covered in tiny snow flakes...the perfection of beauty! George Bailey would have been proud! :)

5) After our late night snow escapade we got snuggled under a blanket and cuddled by the fireplace until Rose decided that her toes were finally warm enough for jammies. :)

Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more!

1 comment:

jcassidy63 said...

You guys are so great, that day sounds so close to what ours are. We love ya and miss ya. Tell your husband that I will be calling him soon, when we are in Florida for conference.