Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanks Mom!

After a tearful conversation with my incredibly wise mother, she tipped me off to this wonderful article by Elizabeth Foss. I read it and re-read, because it was exactly what I needed today. In case I am not the only mother out there feeling like a completely imperfect human being right now, I thought I would share it. It is so difficult when something arises that steals away our sense of self worth. I begin to look to "things I do," to fill my sense of identity and worth. In reality, I need to find Our Lord and realize that it is my love and His that matters. I need to find myself in the stable, kneeling at the cradle of Our Lord and asking Him the questions my heart so desperately seeks.

Thank you, know me well. :)

Arlington Catholic Herald - Give up on being perfect -

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What an awesome article! You are a wonderful wife and Mommy, Jessica! You have a truly blessed family! I am sorry it was a rough day, but know you are doing an awesome job at your job! :)