I am using Moira Farrell's Home Catechesis Manuel for 3-6 as a basis for these presentations, along with the inspiration and practical application from the moms over at CGS MOMS. This is my first year with this, so I am still in the process of investing in better quality materials, but for now, I am working with what I have and can afford. :) These first presentations have already sparked wonderful discussions between Rose and I! I love seeing how God moves her little heart and learning what speaks to her the most.
1) This first week of Advent, we focus on the prophet Isaiah. Here is a photo of our Advent wreath, our purple drape, our card with a picture of "light" and Isaiah's prophecy written beneath it and our little figure of Isaiah himself.
2) After the general presentation of the Advent wreath, we took "Isaiah's Candle" from the wreath and went to Rose Marie's work space and we discussed who Isaiah was and we read his words from the Bible. After this we discussed various parts of his message, focusing primarily on darkness and light.
This is just beautiful Jess!! I am so proud you and how much you put in to this work. This is what makes the faith personal and alive.
Very nice! Thanks for posting. I think I will have to invest in those albums for next Advent at our place.
This is awesome Jessica -- I love it! Thank you for sharing. Rose is a lucky little girl to have you as a mommy!
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