Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Watering the Plants...

Rose Marie to unsuspecting Samuel:

"You are such a big boy! You are growing, just like a plant! Maybe we should put you in the bath and water you!"

Mommy to herself: "Keep an eye on that one!"


Elizabeth said...

:) Wise Mama

Heather said...

You are so on top of things. :)

Marmie said...

I am I have such a flashback here! When you search those beautiful eyes of hers you can never be sure what she is thinking while she looks at Sam.My experience tells me she is sizing him up.Is he a worthy opponent?? Could I take him if Momma is not in sight? I could really have fun with this!!! I wonder how many times I could put my princess carriage just out of his reach before..... I mean how fast is he really? Jess they will scream and laugh and become everlasting friends.Some day there will be a bully at the park and Sam will at that moment do what she will want him to do.They are a team it is just hidden or veiled as beautiful things are for a time.