Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Victories #2

1) Finally got the biggest part of the Advent presentations made!! Yay!

2) Individual quality time with both babies!!! :)

3) Two successful trips to the YMCA, thanks to the cooperation of Sam and Rose!

Goals for the week:

1) To get Rose Marie to brush those little teeth twice a day. (Somehow that seems to be falling behind.)

2) To make a batch of oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies with Rose Marie.

3) To finish reading my book. A book just for Mommy, which requires taking some time out for Mommy time. I need to get better at that. :)

1 comment:

Wife of a Soldier said...

You go girl! :) That's alot of accomplishment! I hope you post pictures of the Advent calendar. James will be away at training most of Advent, so I'm trying to do all the Advent stuff myself. I decided to go and just do little traditions like the Advent wreath. But I am definitely looking for more ideas on how to bring Christ into our daily lives through Advent!