To be given the gift of bearing a life within your womb, has to be one of God's most wonderful, humbling, tender and miraculous gifts! I feel so grateful that I am allowed to carry my babies in such an intimate way for nine months.
This pregnancy has certainly been different from my last. There has been more aches and pains, a longer bout with nausea and exhaustion that doesn't seem to go away.
However, this time around, there is a wonderful sense of familiarity that was missing from the first. The first time, I was so anxious about the future, about how I would handle being a mother, and mostly, I was terrified that somehow I wouldn't love the little one growing within me.
Now, I look at my beautiful daughter Rose Marie, who fills my days with songs, laughter and wonder and my heart thrills at what is to come! I may not know this little one, but I know that I will experience again, that ferocious love that wants nothing more that to love and protect the new life laying in your arms. I know that there will be moments of uncertainty, scary sicknesses, long nights, teething etc. But there will also be magical moments at 3:00 am that are only between myself and the baby. We will need one another like only a newborn and mother can. This little one will have the added benefit of having a big sister who is far more entertaining than mommy will probably ever be. My heart is so excited to meet this little one who responds to the voices of both his/her daddy and the squeals of the big sister. Already, the baby makes Rose laugh hysterically when she rests on my tummy and the baby kicks her to let her know that he/she is there.
This time around, I know that all of these movements I am feeling inside come from a little person, with his/her own personality, temperament, likes and dislikes and little quirks. I feel so privileged and honored to be the one to carry this little person and to be able to spend time to get to know, and more importantly to love, him/her.
I can't wait to meet you my baby! I long to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet lips. For now, I will pay attention to your every move, hiccup and wiggle and dream about our future together. May God prepare all of our hearts for your very anticipated arrival!