Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas!

What a beautiful Christmas it has been! This year, we were so blessed with a full, spiritual Advent that led into a very rich Christmas season. We are blest to be able to live close to both sides of the family. It can be difficult to travel on Christmas day, but it was more than worth it in the end!
Christmas Eve and Christmas morning were spent with my family. The little ones were nestled all snug in the beds, after Mass, a reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," gingerbread cookies with cups of milk and prayers. Then the big people in the family stayed up and talked, laughed, sipped wine or champagne, and of course, ate a gingerbread boy or two. In the morning, the whole house was awake by 7:00 (one little angel, who shall go nameless, was up at 5:30...but who's keeping track?). Adults poured strong mugs of coffee and joined the little ones dancing with excitement around the Christmas tree. Everyone took their turn opening presents and giving thanks for each gift. Stories were told about how the gifts came to be and the thoughts that were put into them. It was beautiful! I am so grateful that my daughter was able to participate so fully this year. My younger siblings are such good examples of how to be grateful and the importance of showing thanks to the giver. I love watching my daughter, as she watches and learns from my siblings. It was the kind of Christmas I had always imagined as the older sister. Thank you, my wonderful family for being there and being such beautiful examples to my little girl!

Christmas evening and dinner were celebrated with my husband's wonderful family! Everyone was dressed in their Christmas finest and everything was so festive! My mother-in-law filled the kitchen with delicious appetizers, served with champagne and sparkling conversation. The afternoon was filled with lively discussions, laughter and affection. We opened gifts and again, exchanged thanks to everyone. Then...we feasted....and feasted....and feasted. I am fairly certain that most of the holiday weight came from that dinner alone! The best part, was the way we all lingered around the table, still laughing and talking, until long after dinner was done. Again, it was beautiful! Thank you, to my husband's wonderful family and their gift of festivity!

I feel so blest to have shared the birth of the Christ Child with the incredible people that He has put into my life. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear daughter for all of the joy you gave years past and the joy you continue to bring.There was a time when it was just you with Daddy hearing the story read. Now the space next to him is filling up.We are so blessed. What deep joy!