Monday, July 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Rose Marie!

Is it possible? Has a whole year passed us by yet again? Wise people have said, "Cherish your little ones, for they grow so quickly." I know that Rose Marie is only a year, but what a full year it has been and what a wonderous change! When I gathered her up this morning and felt those little arms tighten around my neck, I was taken back to that breathless moment when she was placed, tiny and helpless in my arms for the very first time. I was so excited to get to know the little person who had been actively making her presence known within my womb for nine months. I was so afraid that I didn't know how to take care of her and I was terrified of doing the wrong thing. Now, a year later, she is still here and is thriving.
And...I am here and still learning who this amazing little person is that God has entrusted to my care. Some people travel the world over looking for the "Wonders," seeking after that one amazing, unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime event. I have one little "wonder" sleeping in the next room. The day she was born, was that amazing, unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime moment...but so has all of the other beautiful moments she has given me since. Her first smile, her first laugh, her first tooth, her first solid feeding, her first steps, her first words...each one was precious and exciting.
I look forward to this next year of even more firsts, more cuddles, more laughs and simply, more Rose Marie. Thank you Lord, for entrusting me with such a precious gift. She has given me so much!

1 comment:

Jake and Elizabeth said...

It's crazy how much she has developed in this year. She has such a little personality now. She is still just as cute as ever.