Thursday, November 4, 2010

Samuel's Vocabulary

A few years ago I did a post on Rose Marie's budding vocabulary.

Samuel has recently discovered his own voice, and I love it! He can now communicate clearly what he wants...most of the time. He has come up with a few words of his own that make us all laugh. Without further ado, here is a guide to Sam's word usage:

1) "Mine"= this is his own nickname for Rose Marie. She actually answers to it, but only when he says it. It is so endearing to hear him ask, "Where'd Mine go?" My favorite is hearing him yell for her if she wandered too far from him at the park, "MINE!!!" I think he actually means that she is his...she belongs to him and he is very possessive over his playmate. :)

2) "Mouth-Toot"= Burp. Very clever, if you ask me and it makes his Daddy very proud.

3) "Butt"= Bug

4) "Hop Butts"= Grasshoppers

5) "Trick-or-Treats"= Candy

1 comment:

Marmie said...

Welcome back! I love Sam and all of his Samness!! These words of his cut to the heart of all that is creative. Didn't we always know that mine had more than one meaning?That being said, it has never been so cute as in, "I am your masculine brother and you must be within my orbit at all times." kind of way...Rose really is lucky, she just does'nt know it yet.So I end by saying we should all chase Hop Butts with Sam...