Wednesday, March 5, 2008

These are the Moments:

1) Waking up to soft tiny hands pushing the hair out of my eyes and "whispering," "Shhhhh....Mommy sleep!"

2) Hearing, "Mama, happy much," from my grinning, pony-tailed girl about to slide at the park.

3) A long, slow bubble bath with a good book.

4) Romantic cooking-dinner kisses with my husband.

5) Family pig pile on the living room floor, complete with blanket and Bud Bud and belly laughs.

6) A little head laying in my lap, while her beautiful blue eyes smile into mine, and she says for the first time, on her own, "Mama, I yuv you!"

Life doesn't get much better than that!


Jake and Elizabeth said...

That's awsome

Anonymous said...

It must be so amazing to see her starting to be able to express these emotions that I am sure she has felt before but not understood or been able to express. It is beautiful that at this stage in her innocence these fumbling words and little actions are such an expression of her soul. Isn't it beautiful that her souls first intelligible whisperings are "happy much! & I love you!!" The little philosopher in her has wondered at these emotions and now she is defining her terms! :)
I love you guys!

Little Things said...

I love it Kate! She is defining her terms! :)